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I understand that striking beauty can be a bit overwhelming, causing some gentleman to forget certain manners. Here are a few expectations of a true gentleman.

The Initial Approach

(1) Okay, keep calm. You either have me on the phone, email, or some site that I'm lingering on. Say hello! How are you? Tell me I'm beautiful. Something along those lines.
DON'T send messages asking "where u at", "how much", "whats good" or anything of the sort. Get it? Got it! I'm a girl of simplicity but not a simple minded girl.

(2) Confirming/Cancelling Appt

Now that we are all booked, business out of the way, feel free to email me as much as you'd like. It may be a special outfit you'd like to see me in. You may have questions that may not have been answered. Or you may just want to build up that anticipation with erotic emails or texts. I'm fine with it! I always send a message within 48 hours of appointments in order to confirm, get location info, or give location info. Need to cancel? NOTIFY ME ASAP! It's that simple.

(3) Cleanliness is Next To...Sexiness

I shower prior to any adventure. My nails are cleaned, my hair is combed, I'm in tip top shape and waiting by the door for you. So...please do the same. I love a man who smells fresh and appreciate a hardworking man all at the same time. You may shower at my place prior to appointment or we can make it fun and shower together. You may also shower after as well. What happens behind closed doors should stay there.

(4) Discretion
It's hard enough trying to blend into normal society with Double H breasts and a 24 inch waist, so the last thing I would want is for extra attention to be drawn to me. Please be discreet upon arrival. Come wearing a smile, like an old friend. I commit to your discretion by dressing appropriately when coming to your place and not releasing your personal info. Now we're ready to meet.

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